This one has 100% charges / 200% gear damage. Charges are better than damage, but charges with damage is ideal. It has fantastic range and a reasonably short cooldown. There is currently hidden damage on Steam Vent that causes it to do 4x the actual damage displayed, although that damage appears to be split 1/8 to the ice component and 7/8 to the fire component. The ice component of the attack can also hit enemy weak points, increasing damage. It has a triple hit of ice/fire/ice/fire/ice/fire that will leave a fire effect on the enemy, and will occasionally even leave a fire prime. Steam Vent is your main source of doing damage to high HP enemies.
One of the more powerful gear elements of any javelin. Electric DoT also has a higher base, but is less effective against armored enemies. It will also spread an electric DoT to nearby enemies when you melee hit, so you can apply a double DoT basically for free.
This item has 29%/25% jav damage, along with 23% gear damage. The advantage to this will become more pronounced when we get to discussing Vanguard’s Token.
The MW perk for Lightning Surge is a little better in my opinion because you will regenerate shields every time you perform a melee hit.
There’s not a whole lot of difference between the two melee weapons for a Storm. Anthem Steam Vent Melee Weapon Lightning Surge The gun itself does basically nothing, but you do get a 200% damage bonus for hovering, which you are going to be doing most of the time in a Storm anyway. This is only 1% off of the maximum possible jav damage for a gun. I use this because it has double jav damage rolls, 29% and 25%. This is pretty much a pure stat stick. Anthem’s own Guardian content filtering and device management makes it easy to pause the internet, set limits, review data usage, and control your Wi-Fi. Everyone can do their own thing and not worry about how it affects others. Steam moves, play games, video chat, shop, and so much more. It also has one of the higher base damages in the game, so in the few times I’m shooting it, it will do a fair amount of damage.
I use Shard Storm as my primary because it can go through walls, enemies and other obstructions. This particular weapon has double jav damage rolls - 29% and 21%. Your gear provides almost all of your damage. Weapons are not a big part of your arsenal when you are running Storm.
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Update Anthem version 1.39 Flower rose, leaves oak opaque, leaves oak, leaves oak carried, leaves acacia, leaves acacia opaque, and leaves acacia carried.
Update Anthem version 1.38 Double plant fern carried, double plant fern bottom, double plant fern top, fern, and fern carried. Steam Artwork Artwork GIRYA897’s Artwork This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Since everything that affects the Binary DoT (jav damage and elemental damage) also affects Steam Vent, they work in harmony with each other. The whole point of the build is to get everything burning through Binary Star, and to get Binary’s fire DoT (damage over time) as high as you can without sacrificing survivability. Any enemy that is hit by Binary Star will be fire primed, unless it has an immunity to fire. The fire effect from Binary Star has a rating of 60, but it acts like 100. Trash mobs just incinerate in seconds, and larger enemies can be taken down as well. Nothing can clear a room as fast on a consistent basis, especially when enemies are spread out.
Fire Storm is one of the best builds in the game.